Warm Welcome to Tim!

Hi all!

I have an exciting announcement I am eager to share with our community.

I’m sure everyone here recognizes the name Tim Young and has benefited from his insight and guidance on this community. Tim has been an invaluable resource not only to the Tadabase community but to the platform as a whole.

Recently, I reached out to Tim, asking if he’d be interested in joining the Tadabase team. After several weeks of my persuasion skills in full effect, I am ecstatic to announce that Tim has agreed! Tim is now officially a member of the Tadabase team.

Tim will be joining us as Onboarding Specialist, managing our onboarding process, content marketing, and eventually building out an integrations division. As you may know, Tim had recently launched Dataflow Studios, a partnership company aimed at helping clients build out Tadabase apps. To provide even more assistance to our customers who need advanced support and guidance, we will roll this into our existing offerings, which will be directed by Tim.

As some may recall, BC (Before Covid), Tadabase operations used to be based out of our office in Los Angeles. A small silver lining of this horrible pandemic is that we have seen how our team has been able to adjust to a remote work lifestyle without any compromise to our productivity, team synergy, and customer service. Tim will be joining our now 100% remote team and I have no doubt that he will fit in seamlessly with our new remote culture.

On behalf of the entire Tadabase team, I am psyched to welcome Tim onboard and am excited to continue serving you all and growing together to make Tadabase the leading database application platform.

Tim can be reached at tim@tadabase.io.

Thank you and happy new year!


Thank you very much @moe :grinning:

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Congrats @tim.young! This is super exciting. You have definitely contributed a lot to this community and Tadabase is just going to get better with you on board :tada:

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Thanks! I’m pumped, can’t wait to see where this path takes me.

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Congrats to you @tim.young grateful for the moments you’ve helped me too.

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Congratulations to both, I believe it is an added value for both.

Question: who will answer the messages in the forum now : :sleepy: :grinning:

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@DanioA I’m not going anywhere :grinning:

Congrats Tim! Well deserved. Since you now get paid for everyone question you answer in the forum we we will “flood” it with questions :laughing:


This is great news, congratulations Tim, we look forward to your contributions on this awesome product!

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Sweet! Congrats Tim. Great addition!!

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Congrats Tim! This is great news, a really smart move for you, the Tadabase team and the community! :clap: :clap:

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Good on you @tim.young! And for all us. The creativity you’ve been showing in your posts will take Tadabase to new heights as you merge with the team. Nice @moe!

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That’s amazing!!! Congrats @tim.young!!!

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An excellent addition to the team.

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Congratulations Tim.

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