Adjust the default text fonts in Tadabase


In the text boxes there are differents types, like "paragraph’, “H1 - H5” . How can I adjust these settings in such a way that the are reflected on each page?

Say, I want to add the following settings for “paragraph”
Font" Roboto"
Size: 26px

and for H2"
Say, I want to add the following settings for “paragraph”
Font" Arial
Size: 40px

How can I do that?

Any changes you want to apply to the CSS used in your application you will do in the settings tab at custom header/footer.
You can learn about CSS in Tadabase here: How to add CSS to your... | Tadabase

I hope that helps

@Peter Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it.
Also, my suggestion wasn’t clear when i reread it. The font / CSS questions are related to a PDF Page which i am building. But from my understanding it’s not possible (yet) to add a custom css font to PDF pages. I noticed that you also made a suggestion for that @Peter ( PDF-pages - how to add fonts - Community Discussions / How Do I - Tadabase Community)

How did you manage this or are is your PDF’s design still based on the default fonts?


@slimpens no progress in adding fonts to pdf-pages. It is too bad, that such a feature like pdf is introduced, half done, and then left alone because other things appear to be more important.