BIG Thanks to everyone!

I just feel like spreading a little gratitude and thanks back to the Tadabase Team and community this glorious Friday!

It’s over a year ago I started on this journey with Tadabase and I had a vision and set myself a goal of replacing our company’s 15 year old antiquated MS Access database with 250,000+ records, 100+ tables and goodness knows how many 1,000’s of lines of visual basic code into a state-of-the-art system (Tadabase). Once completed, phase two, I wanted a native (Apple & Android) mobile apps published to the app stores for our customers to access their Tadabase records and accounts. Well today that final phase was completed as Apple and Google just approved the the apps into the app stores ! yay! Incidentally , having native apps is great as I have the advantage of having push notifications to the phones so I can keep our customers updated on various aspects of the work we deliver to them.

In due course, if anyone is interested in knowing more, I’ll happily share some videos and details but for now I just wanted to thank the team for listening and supporting me on this endeavour. I’ve learnt sooooooo much, achieved far more than I ever thought possible and also just wanted to encourage any others who may be on a similar journey to get your own projects over the line too!

Thanks Tadabase chaps (and chapesses) and actually I should also be thanking the community as without all your support I certainly would not of managed it! Thanks for sharing your tips and helping me out each time I was stuck - each time I’ve posted on the forum I’ve found a solution or workaround (sometimes getting rather creative :slight_smile: but where there is a will there’s a way right? :slight_smile:

It’s now 3pm UK time so I figures a little celebration is due so I’m off to the pub for an early beer or 4!

Happy weekend everyone :beers: cheers



Congratulations @GREDDIE :tada:

Happy for you and your success story, cheers :beers:

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Sounds great a celebration but I am curious: what is your next project?? :grinning: :innocent:


Congratulations @GREDDIE ! Well done and I’d love to hear how you created native apps pulling TB data.



Congrats @GREDDIE ! I would love to learn more about some of the things you built. Might have jump on a call with you in the near future.


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Hey @SafetyUniversity,

I ended-up using Adalo (full disclosure = that’s an affiliate link :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) which I’ve been very pleased with (genuinely).

Using a mixture of Tadabase API and the Tadbase New Pages & User API I was able to authenticate and retrieve all the records and documents from Tadabase and AWS that I needed.

I’ve been very pleased with the response times, the app is pretty fast and is working well. I used a third party platform called that is reliable and cost effective for creating thumbnails of my PDF (as I wanted the app to include thumbnails).

Like all platforms, Adalo took a little time to master but once you get familiar with External Collections and Custom Actions it was pretty straight forward. I had to implement a few workarounds in Adalo to make is all work and you do end-up storing what should be app or systems variables in the users table but it’s a reasonable workaround and once understood that approach worked well too.

I create user records in both Tadabase and Adalo for each app user. This allows me to use the Adalo push notification API to message my users.

In Tadabase I can now invite users to my app, and check whether they have downloaded and installed it. If they have then I allow Tadabase to be able to message that account via push notes if we need to instantly message our users.

Incidentally, Adalo were developing and rolling out a feature that allowed you to authenticate with any external user system but due to the amount of support they had to provide they retracted it and instead they have opted to initially partner with Xano BUT this doesn’t mean you can’t achieve an integration with Tadabase user records it just means it a little more time consuming to setup and sync!

The users experience on the app is still good and straightforward… The user can login or register for an account. If they register they can access the app but until we connect their user account to their Tadabase account they can’t access their company documents.

Adalo is a little expensive but for me and this particular project it was the best fit. If I didn’t need the push notifications I could have opted for a cheaper solution and simply wrapped Tadabase inside an IOS and Android app and actually if anyone needs such a solution I have a solution for that so let me know.

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I’ll pop “upstairs” when I get a minute, I didn’t realise you were so close :smile: - Yes of course happy to share and equally I’d be happy to learn about some of your projects - I hear you’re strong :man_lifting_weights: in construction ! :building_construction: - good to share :handshake:

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Hi @Peter , what’s next - good question…I have a few projects but always open to seeking a new challenge, so watch this space! :wink:

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