Dear Tadabase community,
I have encountered a very unusual problem, yesterday night, I created a column in a table calle “Referee 1 True Email” then use this field to automatically send message, but when I check today, the column was gone. I try to create it again using exactly the same Column name but according to tadabase, it was already existing. Here is the video of the proble.
Hope you can helep me pleases. Thank you.
Yeah I’ve had that before, you’ll need to speak with Support. My problem occurred after I had been creating backend Javascript on the other builder domain, something got out of sync … I’ve seen a post of someone else experiencing this too.
Hey @edison
Please contact us at with a link to the affected data table in your builder and we’ll get that fixed up for you
For your reference, this is a meta data issue that can occur when working in the builder through multiple tabs.
Deleted fields still getting in the way (potentially even running?) - App Development / Data Builder - Tadabase Community