Dropbox File Updates

While you could always choose to upload files directly to your own Dropbox account, you can now customize a specific Dropbox parent folder path to save all uploaded files as well as further organize your files within separate file field sub-folders.

Custom folder paths occur dynamically from within Tadabase and instantly integrate with your Dropbox account.

To learn more about integrating Tadabase with Dropbox, please read our Dropbox Integration article here: https://docs.tadabase.io/categories/manual/article/saving-files-to-dropbox

Questions or comments on this update? We’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below!

P.S. Thanks to @suiteUpstairs for this great suggestion :grinning:


Hi There,

I have now switched to using dropbox for file storage but now when I have a download link in a table the files open in dropbox instead of the clients default app opening the document. Is there a fix for this?

I just tested it and my default apps for .docx and .pdf documents are MS word and Adode Acrobat respectively but the links still open in dropbox. Obviously the files that were stored on the tadabase server previous to this change are operating correctly, it’s just the files that were stored after the switch.

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I see. At the end of the download link we there is a dl=0 if you change this to dl=1 it will download it by default instead of opening it.

I’ll report here tomorrow with another update.

Since Dropbox can also be used as a viewer for certain file types even if the computer doesn’t have those programs installed, we’ve added this as an option you can enable/disable on a per field basis.

Within your file settings you’ll see a new option to “Open in Dropbox”

Make sure to refresh all pages after changing this setting.

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Hey Moe, I don’t see that check box on my end?

@SuiteUpstairs - I checked and double checked on our side seems to be showing. Can you try using incognito window or clearing your cache?

If that doesn’t show can you contact the support team with the app details and we’ll get to the bottom of it.


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It is there now thanks Moe

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Awesome. :+1:

We generally don’t require clearing cache since each update uses new css/js, perhaps this change was different. Glad its sorted out.