Hi Tadabase community,
Is it possible to merge HTML (Details page) to an existing table?
The goal is that every record in the table has its own details page under it, then an action link or button on each record that will handle the hide/show for the detail page.
This is what I want to achieve.
The demo link in here is not working anymore.
Hope someone can help me.
Thank you!
This would require a custom component to be created as shown in Tim’s example. Custom Components use Handlebars, common language that you can google.
Custom Components require a bit of learning/self-education. I’d recommend reviewing Handlebars then take a “whack” using Tim’s example.
June 13, 2023, 11:31am
I think it requires an advanced knowledge in HTML for the other fields including the delete button and others.
Previously, Tim did an example of showing details on the parent page. Take a look and see if this fits your purpose.
Hi all,
As you are well aware, the core of Tadabase’s front-end involves displaying an overview view of records in a data table via a table or list component, and then adding a Details Page to view record details and connected records.
What I wanted to do was find a way to be able to view record details and connected records on a parent page. It’s a bit of a hack but it does work well when implemented correctly.
We hope to add this capability into the Tadabase platform in the future.
This is…
June 13, 2023, 1:47pm
Thank you. I will check on this. Thank you so much.