Secure all pages from Layout Settings

Hello guys!
Hope everyone’s safe and fine.

I was wondering here… would be very nice to have the possibility to secure all pages that are included in a specific Layout, with one single click, using the Layout’s Settings.

That way, we wouldn’t have to secure each page that we create.

The reason for my suggestion is that I’m creating sub pages (such as those automatically from forms to “create a new record” inside a form) and those child pages created are not becoming secure along with the parent page.

Maybe would be also great and easier to just add the option to secure for logged in users only from Layout Settings.

Or is there somehow to secure all pages more easily?

Best regards,


This makes a lot of sense, and to add to it, the login process should be side-band rather than a one-way redirection: Secured page login redirect to intended page, not Home - Suggestion Box - Tadabase Community

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