Show Total(s) for all records instead of by page

I would agree, a total per page and a grand total at the end of the table would be amazing.

Hey @Henry, I’m looking through this post now, and I would love to see this as a native option, but maybe, for the time being, you can combine the card component with the table and use the following method to synchronize your filter tabs.

Thanks, Chem!

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@Henry @bradenal @SuiteUpstairs @Tom @tim.young

Check this out :point_right: Page and Table Summary - Video Tutorial

It takes some low code, but you can set this up if needed. I hope this helps! :smiley:

Here’s the live page if you want to see it in action :point_right:

Expand me to view the code

Template HTML:

{{#each records}}
<tr id="grand-total-custom-component" class="table-row-summery row-summery-first">
    <td class="table-row-summery row-summery-first">
        <af-data-table-field><span>Table Total</span></af-data-table-field>
    <td class="td-filter-option table-total">
        <af-data-table-field ><span>{{toFixed total_table 2}}</span></af-data-table-field>
    <td class="td-filter-option true-total hide">
        <af-data-table-field ><span>{{toFixed total_true 2}}</span></af-data-table-field>
    <td class="td-filter-option false-total hide">
        <af-data-table-field ><span>{{toFixed total_false 2}}</span></af-data-table-field>

Template JavaScript:

$('.my-table tbody').append($('#grand-total-custom-component'));

Page Builder JavaScript:

$('body').not('.not-assigned').on('click', '.filter-tabs > .nav.nav-tabs > li > a', function() {
    var filterTabVal = $(this).html();
    if(filterTabVal === "True"){
    } else if(filterTabVal === "False"){
    } else {

Hi @Chem,

That looks slick! I’ll definitely give that a try!



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Please can you give an update on when this be natively added? It seems a crucial function for a numeric table.