Tuesdays with Tadabase - August 1st 2023

:fist: :door: August is knocking and while back to school is right around the corner, we’ve still got more summer-sun to soak up. Let’s see how the team has been utilizing the solar energy:

:toolbox: Our engineers have been tinkering with our plumbing and have a new pipe to share! The Excel Data Entry pipe is ready to be installed in your app. Use this if you want to update an Excel file with values from your app and receive the updated file afterward. More on this here. Woohoo!

:floppy_disk: We’ve also gone ahead and enabled local storage features for all users. Local storage is a browser feature that allows users to save values from an application for later use. Learn more about saving to local storage in this video.

:flashlight: This week, we’re shining a spotlight on our new feature: Multiple Custom Domains! You can now offer your users different access points to your application. For example, catering to specific clients or events with their own unique domains. We’ve also packed this feature with some amazing options to make the customization process easy breezy. Watch the video below and see more of what this feature can do. :point_down:

:bug: We’ve pulled out the bug zapper and have done away with some more bugs this week. For the full list, check out our release notes.

:clapper: BTS:

  • We’re actively working on dynamically pulling in external data, and we expect to have this feature ready in the next few weeks.

  • Our Email Templates are currently in the initial stages of development. :email:

  • We’re creating Page Templates to streamline customization for standard pages like Login, Profile, and Signup, making the process much easier.

  • A new pipe is in development that will allow you to effortlessly generate PDF Form pages and save them directly to Tadabase records. :woman_mechanic:

:school_satchel: It’s all about the view. That’s why we’re learning all about Tadabase Custom Views on this week’s Build it with Tim episode! With this feature you can build your own links that open up a specific, personalized view of your data table. What are you waiting for? Watch the video and build it today!

:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

Hold on to your hats ‘cause you’ll be blown away by this one, folks! Our Speech to Text plugin is here and ready to make its debut in your app. Simply click on the microphone icon next to a text box, speak naturally, and watch your words magically turn into text - in real-time. More on this Plugin here.

:womans_hat: That’s all for this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and we’ll see you on the next one! :sunny:

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